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Life After Full Sail

For the closure of Hall of Fame 9, there’s nothing better than to end the event discussing how life will be after university, what students crave for their futures, and what advice the graduates passed down to the students. The fear of being lost after graduation is very common, as students constantly wonder if they are already prepared to start their professional path and what they should do to succeed after their academic life. To break this feeling of insecurity, Full Sail created a panel called “Life after Full Sail”, which inductees share their experiences and teach some strategies to jump, without suffering, to the next step of your adult life.

Fernando Delgado delivered some useful tips to achieve a job position. According to him, the most valuable attitude to be noticed is to show up, instead of just sending your resume online. Present yourself in person, and then you won’t be forgotten. He also said, “Go shake some hands,” as networking is essential to meet relevant people.


"In addition, show your appreciation for somebody’s work, respect the process, and be the one who find solutions."


In another panel, Demo and Ric Viers talked about how to find success after Full Sail. They used humor to give good life lessons. Speaking about teamwork, collaboration is the key! One of the most incredible moments during the debate was when they asked everybody to stand up, hold hands, raise our arms and then lower our arms – it made us realize that when we work together if one falls everybody falls, which means that we need to help each other instead of trying to be better. When one succeeds, everybody succeeds.

The 2018 edition of Hall of Fame took some breaths away! Visitors were impressed by the variety of attractions available. Guests had the opportunity to be close to renowned people from the entertainment and media industries, and increase their knowledge through the interviews, presentations, and workshops. Now, thanks to these panels, students can feel more comfortable to confront the real world, how to understand the job market better, and how to network with people they admire and to plan their future. The ninth edition of HOF was unforgettable, let's wait for next year!

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