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Behind the Magic

This year’s HOF9 has been a huge learning experience for our very own MCBS students who got to work with Platinum to help cover, promote, and create content for the schools largest event. This year, 2 new teams, Content Development, and Podcasting have joined the ranks of the MCBS coverage team of Writing, Social Media, and Production through which MCBS students work to tell the amazing story that is Hall of Fame.

Content Development worked to create visual assets that told stories. They were spread all over the school taking pictures and videos of everything happening. They were also responsible for a lot of research that went into the branding HOF9. Led by liaison Valerie Nystrom, they have worked to ensure that other teams have more than enough visual content to be used to show off how fun HOF truly is.

The Podcast team was also hard at work, creating audio content in the form of podcasts. Those HoF9 podcasts went live in the morning for students to hear and talk about. They covered recaps of events, as well as things important to students, such as new technology developments and entertainment news. Led by liaison Brian Spence, the team worked diligently coming in early in the morning everyday to record, then mix so that the content went out for students to enjoy, right when they need it.

Production team split into multiple groups ranging from BTS to daily videos in order to capture the video aspect of HOF9. From getting footage of the event, to interviews on camera, students worked with some of the industry standard gear, and got hands-on experience filming. They did everything from small game shows where students get prizes to behind the scenes footages of fellow MCBS students hard at work. Led by Liaison Leticia DeSanctis Fornari, the team worked day and night to capture the moments of HoF for everyone to watch.

The Writing Team also spread much wider than ever this year; telling stories in the form of blog posts. The stories range from life as a student during HOF, to panels and events that took place over the week. The writing team created a blog that could house their content. Charming, exciting, awestruck, insightful, all of these words can be used to describe something at HOF and it’s their job to use those words. Led by liaison Dylan Hamilton, the team had worked to become an in-house publication for MCBS and for all Full Sail students.

The last team is most definitely not the least, the Social Media team had the job of making sure every other team gets their content distributed onto all social media platforms. They managed all of the social media pages for We Are MCBS including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat, as well as worked on their own storytelling through Faces of FS. This year, they also gained much more traction on those platforms. They made social media interactive and involved much more students than ever by hosting giveaways and prizes for those lucky students who follow MCBS. The Social Media team led by the liaison Stacy Blake, worked to connect with their audience as well as build new fans.


"They were able to witness the magic from both sides."


Overall, MCBS students were given this unique opportunity that came with immense responsibilities, and the students not only handled it all professionally, they still managed to experience the magic of HOF9. They were able to witness the magic from both sides. However none of this would have been possible without the support from their amazing instructors who provided guidance and support

Photo Credit: All photos from Content Dev

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