For Full Sail’s Hall of Fame, they always provide panels for students to attend to get insight on what is going on in the entertainment industry. This year, students were provided a panel like no other. Students that are part of the LGBTQ+ community were offered the chance to meet individuals that are already in the industry and part of the community as well. This is important because it offers students to get an idea of how the industry is like for people that are in the same community. The speakers for this panel were Robin Koman, Erin Eberhardt, Susan Rose, Martin Potoczny, Helynn Hallock, Phil Pallen, and Lucas Moskun.
Erin Eberhardt is currently a Lead Project Manager for Esports at Blizzard Entertainment. Susan Rose is a Production Manager and Lighting Designer. Martin Potoczny is the Founder and CEO of LUXE Creative, which is a studio that specializes in event production and brand design. Helynn Hallock works at Walt Disney Company as a Retail Creative Graphic Design. Phill Pallen is a Brand Strategist for his company Phil Pallen Collective, LLC. Lucas Moskun is currently a Software Engineer at The VOID. Robin Koman is currently at Full Sail as Department Chair and also Club Advisor for PRIDE Club in Full Sail.
Once the panel started and the speakers introduced themselves, students were able to ask questions about how the industry is progressing with the LGBTQ+ Community and the obstacles they had to overcome. When asked about how the industry is progressing, the answer was not as straight forward since it depended on where you were located and what you were doing. Susan started off by saying to be aware of where you are and the people around you. The reason being in her profession she tends to travel a lot and in some places that they are not as openminded. Potoczny, in particular, stated that he had clients from church that told him to “hide it” and pointed out that it is important to know how to handle yourself in those situations. He also told students to “Be cautious and avoid harmful situations.” Rose stated during the panel to keep it private but not because you are ashamed of it but because there are still individuals that think differently because of their beliefs.
“It’s important for you to know that you don’t have to take every job because there will be more opportunities.”
When asked about what to do if there are issues with people you are working with, the speakers all stated to tell their superior at their respective jobs. Hallock responded by saying “I would remove myself from that situation because it is not ok to be in a toxic situation.” Hallock also expressed the importance of being a support system that is going through hard times because of who they are and love and care for them. When asked how to tell an employer what they want to be identified as Moskun said: “Just ask. Depending on what they, say you know if they are worth it or not.” Eberhardt did point out that where she works and the events she has gone to there are more people being aware of that issue and more places are encouraging people to put the pronouns they feel comfortable having in their name tags and IDs.
Overall, out of everything that was covered, there is one thing you should take out of this. No matter who you are and what you like, you should never feel ashamed about it because that’s what makes you who you are. If there is a situation or place you don’t feel safe nor comfortable, walk away from it, and find a crowd that supports who you are. For students that are attending Full Sail, information for PRIDE Club will be right below with the contact information of the Club Advisor and Discord.
PRIDE Club Information:
Club Advisor:
Robin Koman -
Writer & Photographer: Angel J. Ortiz