What if you could make the world a better place? This is a question many of us often ask ourselves. Unfortunately, most people believe that this is impossible. We fall into the trap of believing that the world is too big, and that we are too small.
But what if you really could?
Rebecca Groh, a 2017 Media Communications graduate, returned to Full Sail University this week to share her journey working with non-profit organizations. As a client service specialist at Westfall Gold, Rebecca spends a great deal of time working with many different non-profits, and believes that this work really is where her passion lies. Westfall Gold has raised over $924 million dollars for non-profits, and $28 million of that was money that Rebecca was involved in raising.
Rebecca is just one person, and she is making a huge difference.
The main message of Rebecca’s “Real World Experience for the Non-Profit Industry” presentation on Wednesday was that everyone should be striving to do something that matters. Full Sail is a media-heavy, entertainment-based college, and people with these skills are needed to spread the word on the efforts that people are making every day to make the world a better place.
Media is all about connecting with others physically, artisitcally, and emotionally. The world we live in is hard, and it can often seem hopeless to try to change that. In a world plagued by conflict and difficult conversations, people with strong communication and storytelling skills are needed now more than ever.
Rebecca is working hard to prove that every single one of us can make a difference if we try. We all have something we care about deeply, and it’s our job to weave what we care about into our work. No “what ifs,” just actions.
Author: Sarah Babbage